Wednesday, May 19, 2021

HMAS Derwent

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HMAS Derwent - The decision to acquire a new generation of frigates was announced in August 1950. The six new anti-submarine frigates were to be a modified version of the Royal Navy's Type '12' Rothesay Class frigates, but with improvements in habitability to meet specific Royal Australian Navy (RAN) needs.

In the event only four hulls were finally approved, with an armament of one twin 4.5 inch turret, one twin 40 mm Bofors Mk 5, two Limbo anti-submarine mortars and twelve 21-inch torpedo tubes. The ships also introduced a number of new capabilities, including a hull-mounted medium range sonar, and in the case of Derwent and Stuart, a Type 199 variable depth sonar that could be lowered below the surface temperature layer.

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