Monday, April 26, 2021

Aug 9, 2017: to be commissioned in September, the first of the RAN's new AWDs, HOBART III, approaches Sydney Harbour for the first time

Aug 9, 2017: to be commissioned in September, the first of the RAN's new AWDs, HOBART III, approaches Sydney Harbour for the first time - LSIS Tom Gibson.

7016. A S70B2 Seahawk trailed a giant RAN Ensign over the Nu-Ship HOBART III, as the lead ship for the Navy's new Air Warfare Destroyer squadron approached her home port at Fleet Base East for the first time in early August 2017. The first RAN ship with Aegis Combat System capability, the 6250 tonnes {full load] HOBART III was to be commissioned in September, several years late, but still bring a very significant addition to the RAN's rapidly expanding capabilities.


Having successfully completed her builders and acceptance trials, HOBART III was to undergo certification procedures in Sydney. Earlier in 2017 around half of HOBART III'S complement of 186 Navy men and women [plus 16 aircrew] had undergone systems training and familiarisation service on the Spanish Armada's near-identical F100 Frigate ESPS CRISTOBAL COLON, one of the design class on which the RAN AWD's are based. Photo: LSIS Tom Gibson, RAN.


Horatio J. Kookaburra

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