Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Avro Anson. So good English torpedo bomber that stood in service around the '33 (1935 - 1968)! http://ift.tt/2uSe7it

Avro Anson. So good English torpedo bomber that stood in service around the '33 (1935 - 1968)!
And Anson started his career in 1933 at all it, as a passenger aircraft Avro 652 fangled at the time of construction - monoplane. The device shown himself in the civil aviation beyond praise. Therefore, when the British government arranged a competition for the creation of a new patrol aircraft for the Royal Air Force, the Avro company without thinking twice remade his epic passenger aircraft in the military, changed its name to Anson, has demonstrated its officials and still won the competition.
During the Second World Anson very well patrolled the coastline, the sea acted against German ships and submarines, and sometimes not without success, getting involved in a fight with the bombers, and even better armed enemy fighters and speed. After the war, most of the remaining ranks in Anson returned to the "peace as a" passenger aircraft.
Avro Anson. So successful English bomber-torpedo carrier, 33 years (1935 - 1968)!
And Anson began his career in general in 1933, as a passenger aircraft Avro 652 new-fashioned at the time of construction The device showed itself in civil aviation above Therefore, when the British government arranged a and won the contest.
During World War II, Anson patrolled the After the war, most of the remaining

Алексей Химов originally shared:

Avro Anson. Настолько удачный английский бомбардировщик-торпедоносец, что простоял на вооружении разных стран 33 года (1935 - 1968) !
А начал Anson свою карьеру вообще в 1933-ем, в качестве пассажирского самолёта Avro 652 новомодной в то время конструкции - моноплан. Аппарат показал себя в гражданской авиации выше всяких похвал. Поэтому когда британское правительство устроило конкурс на создание нового патрульного самолета для королевских ВВС, фирма Avro недолго думая переделала свой эпичный пассажирский самолёт в военный, изменила название на Anson, продемонстрировала его чиновникам и таки выиграла конкурс.
Во время Второй Мировой Anson весьма успешно патрулировал береговую линию, действовал на море против немецких кораблей и подлодок, порой не без успеха ввязываясь в драки с бомбардировщиками и даже с гораздо лучше вооружёнными и скоростными истребителями противника. После войны большинство оставшихся в строю Anson вернулись к "мирной роли" пассажирского самолёта.
Avro Anson. So successful English bomber-torpedo carrier, that stood on arms of different countries 33 years (1935 - 1968)!
And Anson began his career in general in 1933, as a passenger aircraft Avro 652 new-fashioned at the time of construction - a monoplane. The device showed itself in civil aviation above all praise. Therefore, when the British government arranged a competition for the creation of a new patrol aircraft for the Royal Air Force, the company Avro did not hesitate to remake its epic passenger aircraft into a military one, changed its name to Anson, showed it to officials and won the contest.
During World War II, Anson patrolled the coastline very successfully, operated on the sea against German ships and submarines, sometimes not without success getting into fights with bombers and even with much better armed and speedy fighter jets. After the war, most of the remaining Anson returned to the "peaceful role" of a passenger aircraft.

from John Currin (JC 's Naval and Military) - Google+ Public Posts http://ift.tt/2uSc6CQ
via IFTTT See all here - http://ift.tt/2s3djVQ

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