Monday, November 30, 2020

U.S. aircraft carrier deploys to Gulf, Navy says unrelated to 'specific threats'


FILE PHOTO: Sailors man the rails as aircraft carrier USS Nimitz with Carrier Strike Group 11, and some 7,500 sailors and airmen depart for a 6 month deployment in the Western Pacific from San Diego, California, U.S., June 5, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo

DUBAI (Reuters) - U.S. aircraft carrier USS Nimitz was deployed to the Gulf this week, days before the killing of Iran’s top nuclear scientist, although the U.S. Navy said on Saturday the deployment was not related to any specific threat.

“There were no specific threats that triggered the return of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group,” Commander Rebecca Rebarich, spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet, said in an emailed statement after the carrier deployed on Wednesday.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the Iranian scientist suspected by the West of masterminding a secret nuclear bomb programme, was killed in an ambush near Tehran on Friday, threatening to provoke a new confrontation between Iran and its foes in the last weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Rebarich said the redeployment was related to a U.S. drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“This action ensures we have sufficient capability available to respond to any threat and to deter any adversary from acting against our troops during the force reduction,” she said.

Reporting by Lisa Barrington; Editing by Edmund Blair

HMS Loch Fada berthed in Stores Basin in Singapore - was virtually a fixture during my trips to Singapore


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Australia’s New Icebreaker RSV Nuyina Starts Sea Trials

 Australia’s New Icebreaker RSV Nuyina Starts Sea Trials

Australia’s New Icebreaker RSV Nuyina Starts Sea Trials
The icebreaker is intended for the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD). This government agency aims to promote Australia’s scientific, strategic and ecological interests in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. To this end, the ship will accommodate 116 scientists, plus 32 crew members. Damen picture

Australia’s New Icebreaker RSV Nuyina Starts Sea Trials

After her arrival in the Netherlands at the end of August, Australia’s icebreaker RSV Nuyina is commencing her seatrials in the North Sea.

Damen press release

This marks the start of a month-long phase and an important milestone for all involved in the icebreaker project; the Australian Antarctic Division, ship managers Serco and shipbuilder Damen.

Damen has been working on the icebreaker since 2016. Seatrials will be followed by additional weeks of deepwater trials. Testing of the ship’s speed, noise, propulsion systems, steering, advanced electrical systems, and science equipment will take place as the vessel prepares for final sea ice trials in the Arctic early next year.

The ship is slightly smaller than HNLMS Karel Doorman, but comparable in terms of steel weight. Damen picture

One of the most advanced vessels of its kind, RSV Nuyina will provide a world-class scientific platform for Antarctic researchers, carrying cutting-edge equipment to study the depths of the Southern Ocean, sea ice and the upper atmosphere. The vessel is expected to arrive in its home port of Hobart in mid-2021 to commence Antarctic operations in next year’s Southern Hemisphere summer season.

HMS London (D-16), USS Albany and USS Lawrence (DDG-4) anchored at Malta in 1971.


Freedom of the city - HMNZS Manawanui officers and crew march past Mayor Rehette Stoltz in ceremonial 'charter parade'. PM Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford also in attendance.

 Published November 28, 2020 11:48AM

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Officers and crew of the HMNZS Manawanui march past Mayor Rehette Stoltz during the ceremonial charter parade. Pictures by Paul Rickard
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With lowered flag, officers and crew of the Royal New Zealand Navy vessel HMNZS Manawanui marched past Mayor Rehette Stoltz in a ceremonial “charter parade” yesterday.

In a tradition that arose from the medieval practice of granting respected citizens freedom from serfdom, the mayor handed over the charter to Lieutenant Commander Andrew Mahoney.

The charter is a symbolic gesture that represents handing over the keys to the city to a military body, allowing it the freedom to parade through the city.

In attendance at the ceremony were Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her fiance Clarke Gayford.

Powhiri for Manawanui

 by Angela Thomas

Navy ship crew now ‘part of Turanga/Gisborne’.
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HMNZS MANAWANUI POWHIRI: Tamati Tangohau lays down the wero (challenge), which is acknowledged by HMNZ Manawanui Lieutenant Commander Andrew Mahoney. Crew of the Manawanui were welcomed at a powhiri at Eastland Port yesterday. All pictures by Paul Rickard
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The HMNZS Manawanui commanded attention as crew were welcomed for the first time at her home port of Gisborne yesterday.

Mayor Rhette Stoltz, district councillors and Gisborne District Council staff were joined by tangata whenua and other members of the community to welcome the dive and hydrographic vessel at Eastland Port.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern dedicated Gisborne as the home port for the ship in 2018 when it was purchased.

Sir Derek Lardelli spoke as whai korero, welcoming the ship and her crew “home as part of Turanga/Gisborne”.

Manawanui Commanding Officer Lieutenant Commander Andrew Mahoney said the ship was the fourth to carry the name Manawanui.

She is the third to share Gisborne as a home port.

Tangata whenua had previously visited the vessel at the commissioning when a mauri kohatu (stone) was gifted in June 2019.

Lieutenant Commander Mahoney carried a toki (adze) he said was gifted to the Manawanui at the time.

“The key material is the stone. The stone was used for the cenotaph of the 28th Maori Battallon.

“Part of the stone used for the toki lays in the heart of the ship.”

The taonga had served them well on their missions, including an operation taking stores to the Kingdom of Tonga, he said.

“I firmly believe that we have lived up to the motto of the Royal New Zealand Navy and have kept busy since the commission in June last year,” said Lieutenant Commander Mahoney.

“The key to our success is the cultural importance that exists deep in the heart of the taonga that stays with us. It feels good to bring the taonga back home to Gisborne.”

Watching from the shore was former seaman Ray Mihaka, who served in the the Navy aboard previous hydrographic vessels.

Mr Mihaka spent a number of years in the Navy during the 1970s and 80s. He was a radarman, air controller and finally a master-at-arms (or naval police officer).

“I just wanted to come and see the ship up close.

“It could be twice the size of the ships that I served on,” he said.

He served aboard one of the previous three vessels named Manawanui.

Mr Mihaka left the Navy in 1991, just as tensions were boiling over in the Middle East, he said.

His days in the navy took him around the world to various countries — through Asia, Africa, Canada and the United States and the Pacific, and even to Moscow.

He had a few close calls during his service but managed to avoid engaging in any conflict.

“The closest we got was during the nuclear testing at Mururoa Atoll back in 1973.”

A charter parade and civic reception, which Prime Minister Ardern attended, was held this morning,

Members of the public have the opportunity to get up close to the ship at an open day tomorrow from 9am to 1pm.

HMNZS Pukaki (F424), More photos on blog

HMS Loch Achanalt was a Loch-class frigate of the Royal Navy that was loaned to and served with the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II. Ordered from Henry Robb, Leith, on 24 July 1942 as a River-class frigate, the order was changed, and ship laid down on 14 September 1943, and launched by Mrs. A.V. Alexander, wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty on 23 March 1944 and completed on 11 August 1944.[1] After the war she was transferred to the Royal New Zealand Navy and renamed HMNZS Pukaki.
As Pukaki (F424)
On 15 October 1948 Pukaki sailed from Portland with three other Loch-class frigates, arriving at Auckland in January 1949 to join the 11th Frigate Flotilla for patrols and exercises.[1]

On 25 June 1950 Pukaki was placed at the disposal of the UN Forces in Korea. In August Pukaki and sister-ship Tutira arrived at Sasebo to join the UN naval command. Initially attached to Task Group 96.5 for escort duties between Japan and Korea, in September she was transferred to Task Group 90.7 to support of landings by the US 1st Marine Division at Inchon, rejoining Task Group 96.5 in October to protect minesweeping operations prior to the landings at Wonsan. In November she was relieved by the frigate Rotoiti and returned to Auckland to refit, after which she was placed in reserve.[1]

Recommissioned in December 1952 for service in the 11th Frigate Flotilla, Pukaki was assigned to detached service with the Royal Navy's Far East Fleet 4th Frigate Squadron based at Singapore in September 1953. In January 1954 the frigate was deployed in the Yellow Sea for trade protection and as back-up to UN forces in Korea if required. In May she was transferred to Singapore for anti-terrorist operations in the Malayan Emergency, returning to Auckland in September.[1]

She rejoined the 4th Frigate Squadron in the Far East Fleet in June 1955, for trade protection and Korean coast guard ship duties, while also carrying out joint exercises with United States Navy ships, returning to Auckland in May 1956. In December she escorted the supply vessel Endeavour during the initial stage of the journey to McMurdo Sound in Antarctica.[1]

In 1957 and 1958 the ship was deployed as a weather reporting ship during the "Operation Grapple" nuclear tests at Christmas Island. Between 1959 and 1962 she once more joined the Far East Fleet for SEATO exercises and patrols. From 1963-1965 she supported the United States "Operation Deep Freeze" Antarctic operations.[1] Pukaki alternated with an American Edsall-class DER picket frigate operating from Dunedin in summer months to track United States Navy Lockheed C-130 Hercules deployments and other flights from Harewood airport in Christchurch to McMurdo Base in the Ross Dependency, offering the potential for search and rescue in the Southern Ocean and service to the weather station on Campbell Island. Sea conditions probably shortened by two years the service life of Pukaki and the other surviving Loch-class frigate, Rotoiti. This forced the United States Navy to deploy two Edsall-class DERs to Dunedin for the final three deployments in 1966-68.[citation needed]

Put into reserve in May 1965 Pukaki was sold in October. The ship was towed to Hong Kong and scrapped in January 1966.
HMNZS Pukaki, HMNZS Hawea and HMNZS Endeavour - Oct 1956

HMNZS Pukaki - engine room  - No date

HMNZS Pukaki visit to Gisborne 1963

HMNZS Pukaki, PO's Mess, - No date

HMNZS Pukaki possibly entering Sydney, Australia

Mar. 15, 1950; HMAS SYDNEY [III] leads 11 RAN and RNZN ships into Waitemata Harbour, Auckland - Whites Aviation, ATL.

6870. Seven of the 11 ships involved in the Mar. 1950 Fleet Entry at Auckland are seen here itself, with HMAS SYDNEY with the Modified Dido Class cruiser HMNZS BELLONA astern, with heavy cruiser HMAS AUSTRALIA [II] fourth in line amidst two RAN destroyers, WARRAMUNGA [I] AND BATAAAN, and two RNZN frigates following, with the remaining vessels out of the image.
We are wondering if the last ship in the frame here, which we think is the NZ Loch Class frigate HMNZS PUKAKI, is making a radio signal that is causing a heat spot around her mast


Friday, November 27, 2020

HMNZS Otago - Seacat 1976


HMNZS Hawea (P3571), Otago Harbour



 Published November 26, 2020 11:48AM

Picture by Paul Rickard

The HMNZS Manawanui dive and hydrographic ship arrived at Eastland Port at around 9am today for a four-day stay. An official powhiri/welcome was held at the wharf next to the ship this morning to welcome the 65 crew members.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern named Gisborne as the Royal New Zealand Navy vessel's home port after the ship was bought in 2018.

There will be a parade through the city tomorrow at 11am starting at Fitzherbert Street, and doing a loop back through Gladstone Road and Lowe Street.

The public can go on board the ship from 9am to 1pm on Saturday.

Parking may be limited during the public events, so visitors are asked to consider leaving cars at home or in town and walking to the wharf.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Satellite images show China has built a village and military storage bunkers in Himalayan region along disputed border with India US-based satellite company Maxar Technologies took aerial pictures of building activity in disputed areas The images show that construction is taking place along the Doklam , which borders China, India & Bhutan Thin strip of land is claimed by China and Bhutan but also holds significance for India, who use it to transport goods from New Delhi to northern states


Satellite images have revealed how China has built a village and military storage bunkers in a Himalayan region along a disputed border with India

US-based satellite operator Maxar Technologies, who photographed the series of aerial images, said they show 'significant construction activity' throughout 2020. 

The operator charted the building works along the Torsa River Valley area, adding there had been 'new military storage bunkers' built near an area called Doklam. 

In the images, Maxar pointed out a newly constructed village, named Pangda, on the Bhutanese side of the disputed border. 

They also showed a supply depot in Chinese territory, which is close to the site of a tense flare-up between Indian and Chinese military in 2017. 

In June this year, bloody hand-to-hand clashes between the two armed groups saw 20 Indian soldiers killed. In the aftermath of the battle, Indian soldiers claimed they had been savagely attacked by Chinese counterparts with medieval-style weapons. Allegations have also been made that China has used 'microwave weapons', which forced their opponents to retreat due to the pain inflicted on them.

Satellite images appear to show China developing area along disputed border with India and Bhutan

Satellite images appear to show China developing area along disputed border with India and Bhutan

Satellite images provided by Maxar Technologies appears to show China developing an area along a disputed border with India and Bhutan

Satellite images provided by Maxar Technologies appears to show China developing an area along a disputed border with India and Bhutan

A locator map shows the Torsa River Valley area in India where China appears to have built new military bunkers

A locator map shows the Torsa River Valley area in India where China appears to have built new military bunkers   

Bhutan's ambassador to India Major General Vetsop Namgyel defiantly declared there 'is no Chinese village in Bhutan'.   

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and India's Ministry of External Affairs did not immediately respond to requests for comments.   

The Doklam area, a thin strip of land bordering the three countries, is claimed by both China and Bhutan but also holds strategic significance for India because of its closeness to a vital artery which transports goods and people between the capital New Delhi and the country's northeastern states. 

'The Siliguri Corridor is strategically important and highly sensitive territory, as it remains the only bridge between the eight north-eastern states of India and the rest of the country,' analyst Syed Fazl-e-Haider wrote in an article published by The Lowy Institute . 

'By an advance of just 130 kilometers (80 miles), the Chinese military could cut off Bhutan, west Bengal and the north-eastern states of India. About 50 million people in north-east India would be separated from the country.'

Chinese state-run media have refuted claims that the village was built on the Bhutanese side of the border. 

A satellite images shows the Chinese town of Pangda, which sits along an area disputed between India, Bhutan and China

A satellite images shows the Chinese town of Pangda, which sits along an area disputed between India, Bhutan and China 

The stand-off between Bhutan and China set off in 2017 after the former accused its powerhouse neighbour of building a road within its territory. This, Bhutan said, was a violation of previous treaty obligations. 

China announced the area was part of its territory and refuted Bhutan's allegations.  

Bhutan and India are usually strong allies and Delhi provides training for the country's armed forces and assists the country on its foreign policy.  

According to CNN, the power dynamic has changed as the rivalry between Beijing and Delhi intensifies.  

Earlier this year, India and China clashed along another disputed border in the mountainous region. Twenty soldiers were killed in the conflict, the highest death toll since the country battled over the same area during the 60s.  

'Microwave' weapons that cause searing pain  

Microwave weapons are touted by China as 'non-lethal, energy-directed weapons' that cause an 'instant burning sensation and make the targets run away'. 

Also described as 'heat rays', they work by heating water molecules under the skin, causing a burning feeling which stops when the target leaves the area. 

The sensation was once described in a medical journal as equivalent to touching a hot lightbulb.  

The tools are known as 'microwave' weapons because they have a similar effect to the kitchen appliances, although technically the radiation is in the form of millimetre waves rather than microwaves. 

China's so-called Poly WB-1 was first put on display at an air show in 2014 and was thought to be supplied to Chinese naval forces. 

The US government, which developed its own version called the Active Denial System, says it could be used for 'crowd control, crowd dispersal, convoy and patrol protection, checkpoint security, perimeter security' and other objectives.

The weapon was unveiled in 2007 and deployed to Afghanistan but apparently never used against hostile troops. 

This week it was revealed Chinese troops used 'microwave' weapons to force Indian soldiers to retreat by making them violently sick during a Himalayan stand-off, a professor has claimed.

The electromagnetic weapons which cook the human tissue of enemy troops 'turned the mountain tops into a microwave oven' and made the Indian soldiers vomit, international studies expert Jin Canrong told his students in Beijing. 

India's top military commander has warned a tense border standoff with Chinese forces in the western Himalayas could spark a larger conflict, even as senior commanders from both sides met near the frontline for their eighth round of talks. 

Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat said the situation was tense at the Line of Actual Control, the de facto border, in eastern Ladakh, where thousands of Indian and Chinese troops are locked in a months-long confrontation.

'We will not accept any shifting of the Line of Actual Control,' Rawat said in an online address.

'In the overall security calculus, border confrontations, transgressions and unprovoked tactical military actions spiralling into a larger conflict cannot therefore be discounted,' he said. 

Brutal hand-to-hand combat in June left 20 Indian and an undisclosed number of Chinese soldiers dead, escalating tensions and triggering large deployments on the remote, desolate border area. 

India said its soldiers were mutilated after being beaten to death with nail-studded clubs by the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the disputed Himalayan border. 

Among the dead was Colonel B. Santosh Babu, Commanding Officer of the 16 Bihar regiment.  

His mother Manjula told the New Indian Express: 'I lost my son, I cannot bear it. But he died for the country and that makes me happy and proud.'

China said it suffered 43 casualties, but did not specify whether any of its men had been killed in the hand-to-hand combat in the Galwan Valley, Ladakh.   

No bullets were fired as per a peace treaty which bars firearms within 2km of the Line of Actual Control, the line drawn down the 17,000ft-high valley after India's defeat in the 1962 Sino-Indian War.     

Pictures which circulated earlier this year appeared to show Indian troops battered and bound with rope near the disputed Himalayan border, where China is said to have used a microwave-style weapon to disperse hostile soldiers in August. India denied the claims on Tuesday

Pictures which circulated earlier this year appeared to show Indian troops battered and bound with rope near the disputed Himalayan border, where China is said to have used a microwave-style weapon to disperse hostile soldiers in August. India denied the claims on Tuesday

Believed to have been filmed around two weeks ago on the banks of Pangong Lake, a mile into Indian territory, the footage purports to show Indian forces battering a People's Liberation Army soldier and smashing up a Chinese armoured car
Believed to have been filmed around two weeks ago on the banks of Pangong Lake, a mile into Indian territory, the footage purports to show Indian forces battering a People's Liberation Army soldier and smashing up a Chinese armoured car

BORDER TENSIONS: Believed to have been filmed in mid-May on the banks of Pangong Lake, a mile into Indian territory, footage shows Indian forces battering a People's Liberation Army soldier

It was the first deadly conflict between the two nuclear-armed countries since the 1975 Arunachal ambush, during which four Indian soldiers were killed along the disputed border. 

Both sides have since attempted to ease the situation through diplomatic and military channels, but have made little headway, leaving soldiers facing-off in sub-zero temperatures in Ladakh's snow deserts.

Senior Indian and Chinese commanders were meeting on Friday in Ladakh, the eight round of talks between the military leaderships since the crisis began, officials in New Delhi said.

The talks would likely include discussions on a Chinese proposal to pull some troops back from a contested area on the northern bank of Pangong Tso lake, where soldiers were separated by a few hundred metres, according to an Indian official.

Infantry troops, backed by artillery and armoured vehicles, are also facing off on the southern bank of the lake, where China has been pushing India to pull back, the official said.

The satellite imagery published by Maxar shows China continuing to reinforce its position along the border despite both countries agreeing to deescalate. 

Further projects this year are unlikely to go ahead due to the inhospitable climate of the Himalayan region at this time of year.      

Manoj Joshi, a distinguished fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, told CNN that by setting up these villages in very thinly populated border areas, the Chinese are creating a false reality on the ground - where officials can say the buildings had always been there.   

Bhutan, Joshi said, has decided to keep quiet and 'look the other way' as they will find it difficult to institute any changes without the support of India.   

Patch of uninhabitable desert that India and China have been fighting over for centuries 

The Himalayan border between India and China has been disputed for centuries, but the two countries have been fighting over it most recently since the 1960s.

In the 18th century it was fought over by the Russian, Chinese and British empires, and after India gained independence ownership of the region became more confused.

China values the region because it provides a trading route to Pakistan, and recent hostilities have been sparked by fears in Beijing that India will cut it off from the crucial overland corridor.

The current official border between the two was set by Britain and is known as the McMahon line. It is recognised by India but not by China.

In reality, the border between the two countries is on Line of Actual Control (LAC) where Indian and Chinese forces finished after the Sino-Indian War of 1962.

Aksai Chin, the site of the latest tensions, is located in India according to the official border but is claimed as part of the Chinese region of Xinjiang by Beijing.

It is an almost uninhabited high-altitude scrubland traversed by the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway.

The other disputed territory is hundreds of miles away to the east of Tibet.

The 1962 Sino-Indian War was fought on these two frontiers as Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru put it, a struggle over land where 'not even a blade of grass grows.' 

In addition to the disputed border, China had seized Tibet ten years before and accused India of trying to to subvert Beijing's interests by granting asylum to the Dalai Lama.

There was also a Cold War element and India wanted to see if the US would back it in a confrontation against communist China.

Delhi had ignored the desolate corner of the subcontinent which allowed the Chinese to build a military road through it during the 1950s to connect the province of Xinjiang to Tibet.

The Indian discovery of this highway was a major factor which led to ferocious clashes leading up to the war. 

Yet the Indians had just two divisions posted at the border when the Chinese invaded, never suspecting that Beijing would be so bold as to cross the McMahon Line. 

The war lasted for one month and left more than 2,000 dead on both sides. It was a heavy defeat for India and led to the new border, the LAC, being established and pushing India back from McMahon line.

Much of the reason for the ongoing conflict is the ill-defined border, the result of a confused status the region had during the colonial era, which was made more murky by India's war with Pakistan in 1947.

Chinese interest in the region surrounds President Xi Jinping's centrepiece 'Belt and Road' foreign policy to have vast infrastructure throughout the old Silk Road. 

Beijing fears that increased Indian presence in the region will cut off its trade route to Pakistan.

The two sides have blamed each other for recent hostilities but analysts say India's building of new roads in the region may have been the fuse for May's standoff.

Both sides have dispatched reinforcements and heavy equipment to the zone. 

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